Friday, November 13, 2009

Called in Sick From Travelling Today

Laying on a hospital bed hooked up to an IV in a country where they don't speak your native language-check. Last night, out of no where, I got so sick I could not stop throwing up. I've travelled in India, lived in Central and South America for 7 months, I've eaten food from the street in Asia, I eat fruit and vegetables that I don't peal myself-and I have never so much as taken a tum. I go to Spain, and eat in the house of my friend and get sicker than I have been in years.

Jesi and Hector had to take me to the medical clinic across the streeet. I was reluctant to go because I thought we would have to wait a long time-I was thinking of all the times I brought EF students to St. Elizabeth's emergency room and waited forever. However, there was a little bit of discussion from a very unfriendly receptionitst about me having private insurance and there being a lot of paper work, but they saw me within 10 minutes.

I was hooked up to an IV with medicine to stop the vomiting and water to hydrate me for maybe 20 minutes, and they let Jesi sit with me because we said I don't speak Spanish-this is one of those moments you pretend you don't speak the language, along with anytime they are trying to make tourists pay some sort of wierd made up fee. Then they gave me some orange stuff to put in a liter of water and drink until noon today.

I'm fine now, just playing hooky from travelling, sitting on the couch reading and uploading my pictures.

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